Building Blocks Therapy empowers kids to reach their full potential!
Our range of services include:
- Assessments
- Individual Therapy
- Intensives
- Social Skill Groups
- Parent Support Groups
- School Holiday Programs
- Workshops
- Infant and Toddler programs
After a referral has been made your child will be booked in for an initial consultation.

Here at Building Blocks Therapy we are passionate about ensuring each family is supported in their unique way and therefore we don’t have a one size fits all therapy assessments. Each child’s assessment is always tailored to the needs of their family. To ensure we get a full picture of your child’s needs we offer formal (standardised) and/or informal assessments. To determine which would be best for your family our intake team will have an in-depth discussion with you. If further information is required before a final decision can be made, you will be contacted by the Director (an Occupational Therapist herself) to ensure the best action plan is put in place to start your child’s therapy.
We understand that attending your first session with an Occupational Therapist can be very overwhelming and we do our best to set the session up to be fun, safe and motivating – games and activities are specifically chosen to ensure you and your child are comfortable in the session. We value working collaboratively as part of “YOUR TEAM”, we see this as a huge privilege, but to do this well we need to request consent that enables us to call/email other health or educational professionals that are also supporting you and your child.
After your assessment session/s you will receive a report outlining our discussions, observations, recommendations, goals and referrals to other professionals should this be required.
* Time for assessments vary depending on the assessment requirements
We aim to commence therapy as soon as possible! We realise that families often have a lot of commitments and that life can get very busy, so whenever possible we do our best to book children in for a session on a set day/time. We find that this helps with the consistency of therapy and it also enables the regular therapy time to become a part of your family’s routine.
Not all children require ongoing therapy – some families just like to touch base with a therapist about their child’s development as a once off. This is then booked in as an initial assessment. Others like to have intensive sessions during school holidays (see below) and then we also have some families who are on our waitlist or who struggle to commit to a regular therapy time slot, these children are then place on our cancellations list and will get contacted when cancellations occur during the week.
We do our best to support families in a way that works for them but please understand that due to the high demand for our services this is not always 100% possible but when contacting Building Blocks Therapy please discuss your preferences with our amazing referral team, director or the therapist your child is booked in with.
Therapy session are 45 minutes in duration. We aim to set realistic goals with you based on your concerns. We know that each family has unique daily challenges that need to be targeted in a family focused way. We also understand that needs changes constantly and therefore the goals will be review on an ongoing basis and updated as required on your child’s therapy plan.
Therapy sessions are fun and rewarding. We create a safe space where children are given the “JUST RIGHT” challenge to practice a range of skills. Learning can always be made fun – yes your child will be challenges and they certainly will be stretched and encouraged to try new things. But in it all they will experience a range of emotions and learn that they can change their “I CAN’T” into a “I CAN”. During this process of therapy you and your child will become a part of the Building Blocks Therapy family. Together as a team we will equip, encourage and empower you. You will see your child learn new skills, new ways of thinking and new strategies to overcome obstacles. We will be your support, we will cheer you on! Some of the sessions might be harder than others but you will hope that each time you join us for a session you will walk out with a practical suggestion that you can implement at home to make your journey as a parent a little easier and heaps more enjoyable.
We understand that for some families regular therapy during the term is very difficult to commit to so we offer holiday intensives. We also realise that due to the long waiting lists we we often can’t offer family regular sessions immediately and therefore we have the option of book in for an intensive burst of therapy during the school holiday to give you practical ideas and support to start your child’s therapy.
There are 2 ways to book intensives:
- Existing clients, talk with your therapist with regards to their availability and together work out the intensity that is right for you and your child.
- If you are new to our clinic – you will need to come for an initial consultation to determine suitability and goals for an intensive. When contacting our clinic for therapy for your child, please let them know that you might be interested in this option.
Intensives are not suitable for all children and therefore will be carefully discussed with your therapist (existing clients) or the director (new client).