Circle of Security
Parenting Workshops
Early Intervention Program of Parents & Children
Circle of Security Parenting seeks to strengthen attachment relationships between caregivers and children. While the program predominantly focuses on infants and younger children, the concepts are suitable for caregivers of children of all ages.
6 – 9 year olds
This is a fun, craft group which focuses on social connections, collaboration, and peer support.
Lego Legends
9-12 year olds
This is an evidenced based program that uses Lego to provide opportunities to work in a group environment whilst also promoting motor skill development.
Little Highway Heroes
4 – 6 year olds
This is a social and emotional group program, that teaches little children how to make and keep friends, develop empathy, and learn the skills to calm down. It also addresses tough stuff like teasing, silliness, and bossiness.
Picky Pickers Play
3 – 4 year olds
This program is designed for fussy eaters to support the creation of a positive relationship with people and food, whilst making food fun!
Picky Pickers Play
5 – 8 year olds
This program is designed for fussy eaters to support the creation of a positive relationship with people and food, whilst making food fun!
Play Dates with Play Mates
2 - 4 year olds
This group is designed for children with delayed communication and developmental delays, to play and connect with others in a group environment.
Tuning Into Teens
Parenting Workshops
Parenting Program
This program is designed to support and help parents teach their teenage children to control, understand, and express their emotions in a healthy and positive way. Tuning into teens helps parents recognise, understand, and respond to their teenagers emotions, which in turn helps them manage their one emotions.