Brave Girls
5 – 6 year old girls
This is a program designed for girls to develop self-confidence, resilience and problem solving skills whilst allowing for increased opportunity to develop social connections with same-aged peers.
Game On
7 – 9 year olds
‘Game On’ is a games group which focuses on making new friends, building connections with others, learning fair play skills and how to be a team player. The group will involve a mix of gross motor games, card games, board games and activities.
Happy Hands & Fit Fingers
4 – 6 year olds
This program is designed to build children’s fine motor skills, in preparation for school and everyday activities.
Little Superheroes
4 – 6 year olds
This program uses aspects of the Zones of Regulation program to develop awareness of emotions in themselves and others and learn strategies to regulate emotions.
This program is designed for older children who are fussy eaters and will support the creation go a positive relationship with food by increasing exposure to new foods by using a range of different senses.
7 – 9 year olds
This program utilises books and tools to help children develop their emotional wellbeing by learning how to manage their feelings and cope with challenging situations.
Picky Pickers Play
3 – 4 year olds
This program is designed for fussy eaters to support the creation of a positive relationship with people and food, whilst making food fun!
Tuning In To Kids
Parenting Workshops
Parenting Program
The program aims to teach parents and carers skills in recognising, understanding and managing their own and their children’s emotions.